Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Oh those darn eyeballs!

So I am gearing up for a considerable re-design of the drive chain based on some recent vids posted on the net. However at home last night I was able to attempt to make my first eyeballs from scratch. 
This site had instructions on making 'glass' eyeballs from scratch. I had to make 4 mm eyes for my archer, so I gave it a go. It's a bit difficult, and only a few out of a few dozen seemed to work. BUT the downer came in the form of air bubbles that formed on the surface of my little eyes. I used my wife's clear nail polish, and I think there was a bit  of a chemical reaction between the Fimo and the polish. The glaze looked great going on, but overnight something messed. I have resorted to carefully painting on the pupils and re-coating the two chosen eyes once again. It works, but not as precise.
If you give these eye a go, beware, it'll probably take a few attempts to pull it off. 
Off to a full day in the dungeon/workshop!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Adding Hair - the not-so-perfect way.

Not much time this week for work on the archer doll, but I did manage to add some hair to the doll's head and fine tune a few of the joints.
Here's a photo- I've used the 'poor mans' method where I purchased a fake beard, took it apart carefully, and epoxied the hair down in strips. This is NOT the typical method for adding hair to the dolls in the traditional sense, but until I meet a master who would be generous enough to teach me properly, this way will work for now. I the end it didn't look too bad. Could have been a little tidier but overall the results are good. This is, after all, a prototype!
Next on the to-do list is re-make the supports for the drive train. It is currently slipping. I may have to come up with a better balanced system to move the arms up and down, which at the moment are proving to be the most difficult to move. Looking at the photos of the original older mechanisms, it appears that there are some counter-weights that might help matters. I should assume that some sort of gravity assisted mechanisms is involved. I really wished I had seen that original archer moving up close and personal! 
'might add some sideburns after I polish the face up a bit  more...