Saturday, September 18, 2010

the learning curve, more like...

...having your head explode. You know what you want to do but the software doesn't make it easy to find out how to do what you think is the simplest thing in the world.
I've spent three solid days trying to teach myself Alibra Design. I purchased the inexpensive 'hobby' version that 'should' be useful. Should. 
Well, as you can see here my digital replica is underway.
Actually it's not so bad. Having an animation background (trained in traditional) you would think I would know my 3D by now, but I'm one of those odd birds who learned the animation right when 3D was starting to be introduced, and for some (stupid) reason I stuck with the traditional 2D. I only say 'stupid' because I'm naturally a 3D, sculptural and mechanical kind of guy. 
Any 3D or cad fans out there. DO you see one obvious silly mistake? Well I'll tell ya, I constructed my digital version at some odd 45 degree angle to the regular working planes.
HOW DID I DO THAT?! I have no idea. That's a pure justin phenomena...
How do I fix that? Oh lord...
Anyone know Alibra????

I almost forgot. Congratulations to my cousin Jody and new wife Sarah. They got married today!

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