Thursday, May 24, 2012

Snailing Along...

So here's the latest.

I've completed the surface of the Mars globe and spent about 4 hours or so sketching out the 18th century version of the surface of the planet, canals and all. Tonight I finally had the time to start the process of painting the surface. As I mentioned in the last post I've got about 6 layers of gesso and than about 5 layers of pink tinted absorbent ground. This works nicely with water colour paint, and the only issue so far that I can tell is dealing with gravity. Painting watercolor on a curved surface does not lend itself to the usual charms of watercolour, so slow thin coats of paint layered up carefully does the job.
Here's a couple of photos of the sketch then the beginning of the painting...

Good news on the Archer Karakuri front, I have found some small plastic pulleys! That project can now get some long overdue attention. Time willing!

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